This is Beta 4 of the Windows Network Printer Browser sample DLL ================================================================= Note that there have been substantial changes in the data file structure between the first beta version and this one. These changes were made to enable users to just use a Windows LPR Spooler 4.x Queue Definition File as browser data. The following changes were made: o the section name was changes from [PrinterDefs] to [Queues] o the printer count entry was changed from "PrinterNum=" to "QueueNumber=" o the individual printer definitions were changed from "Printer=" to "Queue=" o the field in a printer definition has been moved to the end of the line This structure will be supported by Windows LPR Spooler 4.1 beta 11 and later. New in ... ----------- beta 3: o added PrPostQueueDefCallback() API which is called when the user has changed a queue definition or added a new queue. beta 4: o Added the flag PRF_DELETEDQUEUE for the PrPostQueueDefCallback() API and extended the parameter structure. Installation: -------------- Copy this DLL into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Put the WPRBRWSE.DAT file into the same location. If you have comments, bug reports, and suggestions feel free to send mail to or ich211@djukfa11.bitnet or Thomas Heil